WW B. Dahl Bluestem is an introduced warm-season grass that is best adapted to areas receiving from 15 to 35 inches of average rainfall. Soil PH range 5.5 – 8.0. It is very productive considering the input cost compared to other permanent pastures.

Call (800)467-7250 Lawton and Frederick, OK
Stand Establishment
Old World bluestems: (B Dahl, Ironmaster, Spar, and Plains Bluestem) are best adapted to well-drained sites of loam, clay-loam, clay, and sandy-loam soils. Stand establishment on sandy soil is riskier, but usually can be obtained. Seeding should be on a firm seedbed, planting at shallow depths (1/4” or less). Seeding rates of 3 to 5 pure live seed (pls) pounds per acre of Old World Bluestems (OWB) plus 1 pls pound of Green Sprangletop are generally recommended. The best results have been obtained when seeding was done with a drill specifically designed to handle “fluffy” grass seeds. The seedbed should be very firm, smooth, and weed-free. It is necessary in some regions, such as; western Texas to seed into dead litter residues like wheat stubble remaining from the previous year’s crop to avoid bare ground in an effort to eliminate soil erosion.