Buffalo Grass for Pasture or Native Lawns

Texoka Buffalo Grass

Buffalo Grass Seeds – Warner Brothers Seed Company (800)467-7250

SEEDING RATE: LAWN 1 to 3 lbs. PLS/1000 sq. ft.
NUMBER OF SEEDS: 40,000 burs per lb. (0.46 kg)
275,000 seeds per lb. (0.46 kg)
VARIETY: TEXOKA: The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the Kansas and Texas Agricultural Experiment Stations and the USDA Agricultural Research Service and Soil Conservation Service released Texoka Buffalo grass in 1974. 
Texoka is a synthetic variety derived from 10 selected clones. As the variety name indicates, the parents from these clones were selected from Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas buffalo grass populations.

Texoka Buffalo Grass Seed Price – $12.00 per pure live seed pound
Germination rate usually ranges between 85 to 95 percent.

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