Sand Bluestem

(Andropogon hallii)

Sand bluestem is a perennial, native rhizomonous bunchgrass with sod-forming characteristics. lt is widely adapted throughout tallgrass prairies in the central United States. The grass grows well on most soil types but performs best on sandy to loam type soils.

Growth begins late in the spring and continues through the summer. Plants usually grow 3-6 feet tall with adequate moisture. The leaf blades are around 1/4 – 1/2 inch wide and approximately 12 inches long. The extensive root system penetrates deeply into the soil, which contributes to its persistence and drought tolerance.

The forage provides excellent grazing or hay for livestock and provides adequate cover for wildlife populations. Sand bluestem has great potential for erosion control and soil stabilization. It is one of the best native grasses for sandy sites. It’s best planted in range mixes for revegetation of rangeland or abandoned cultivated land. Seedings should be made on a well-prepared, firm seedbed free from weeds. A seeding rate of 6-8 pls pounds per acre in pure stands and 1-3 pls pounds per acre in a range seed mixture.

Sand bluestem

General Characteristics

Growth Type:Bunch
Life Span:Perennial
Growing Season:Warm Season
Plant Height:4-6 feet
Cold Tolerance:Good
Drought Tolerance:Good
Salt Tolerance:Poor
Soil Type:Sand - Loam
Minimum Rainfall:14 inches
Planting Rate:6-8 pls#
Planting Date:Dec. - June
Seed Type:Chaffy
Uses:Grazing, Wildlife Habitat, Erosion Control, Reclamation